28 November 2023 года

25th World Russian People’s Council

Hegumenia Sergia, the abbess of the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery is taking part in the 25th World Russian People’s Council.

The World Russian Council was established under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church to discuss national issues and bring the Russian people together. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia presides at the Council and among its participants there are scientists, religious, political and public figures, representatives of the presidential administration, ministers of the Russian Federation, heads of regions, senators, and deputies of all levels. This is a gathering place for people of different political views united by their care for the present and the future of Russia.

A plenary session is currently held in Moscow’s Kremlin Palace with V. V. Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, participating in the format of a videoconference.

The day before, breakout sessions met in the Christ the Savior Cathedral that discussed the international situation, education, economy, ideology, charity, youth movement, urban development and other topics.