второе воскресенье Великого поста
24 March 2019 года

Second Sunday of Great Lent: St. Gregory Palamas

On this Sunday, as we celebrate the memory of St. Gregory Palamas, a great saint from the 14th century, the Holy Church speaks about the mystery of light.

Commemoration of St. Gregory’s memory is timed to coincide with Great Lent for his teaching reminds about the Uncreated Light and Theosis as the crowning end of ascetic struggle.

Filotheus, Patriarch of Constantinople (14th century), complied the service to his teacher, St. Gregory Palamas, while Patriarch Gennadius (Scholarius) from the 15th century composed a Canon to him. Liturgical texts refer to St. Gregory as ”pillar of faith”, “advocate of the Church,” “luminary who points to the Sun”, “son of Divine Light and the light with no darkness.”

This Sunday, the Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery held services at Trinity and Transfiguration Cathedrals.