3 June 2023 года

Znamensky skete celebrated the patronal feast

The Holy Church commemorates the Holy Equal-to-the Apostles Emperor Constantine and his mother Empress Helen, who established the true Orthodox faith throughout the universe.

Spiritual succession connects both the current and that long-gone 4th century, when the saints Constantine and Helen performed their ministry to God and the Motherland. And so today we remember their deed with gratitude and pray that the Lord strengthens us in our service to Him, our earthly Motherland, and the neighbor.

The Znamensky Skete of the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery, celebrates the patronal feast on the day of the Holy Equal-to-the Apostles Emperor Constantine and his mother Empress. The left side chapel of the church to the “Of The Sign” Mother of God is dedicated to these saints. Hieromonk Alexander (Veremey), clergyman of the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery, celebrated the All-Night Vigil, the paraklesis with water blessing prayer service and the Divine Liturgy, followed by the religious procession around the church.