23 March 2024 года

Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

The commemoration of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste is one of the feasts that joyfully illuminate the strict days of penitence at Great Lent. Today’s service in the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery is dedicated to these holy warriors.

The martyrs who suffered in the Lake of Sebaste were different people, and, except for their military rank and service, shared nothing in common. But spiritually, they were united in Christ and unanimously, save but one, they stepped into the lake of martyrdom. The one who fled them was replaced by one of the guards who witnessed suffering and saw how forty crowns descended on the heads of the martyrs.

His heart was touched by fire of their hearts, so he abandoned his service to the pagan idols of this world and became one of them who followed Christ. Humbled by their exploits and amazed by the divine beauty of their Christian courage, he resolved to become one of them.