24 March 2024 года

School procession

On the feast of Triumph of Orthodoxy in 2022, the Alexandrinskaya monastery school received its own shrine: the icon of Holy Righteous Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Martyr Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, the heavenly patrons of the school.

Since then, on the Sunday of Triumph of Orthodoxy, a procession takes place every year after the festive liturgy and it starts at the Dormition Church and continues along the Holy Kanavka with the Alexander’s icon at its head. Students and their teachers make up the procession headed by Rev.Fr. Vladimir Kargin, the senior priest of the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery, Rev.Fr. Alexey Kurnosov, the school’s spiritual father, and his assistant Rev.Fr. Daniel Gatin.

During the procession, the school choir sings the troparion to the patron saints of their school: “Today, faithful people, let us honor the two holy saints: the ever-honorable and great Righteous Prince Alexander and the ever-honorable Passion Bearer Tsarina Alexandra. You were the gatherers and guardians of our Motherland during your life, just as you were faithful to Christ even unto death. You received true boldness from the Lord, so let us pray that we also follow Him faithfully in everything and find great mercy from God.”

When the procession returned to the church, a prayer service was held in front of the icon of the Righteous Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Martyr Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna.