20 April 2024 года

The patronal feast at the Annunciation Cathedral

One of the side chapels of the Annunciation Cathedral is dedicated to the Feast of the Laudation of the Most Holy Mother of God. Early Divine Liturgy with water blessing prayer service was served there today by Rev. Fr. Oleg Struchkov, clergyman of Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery.

The Queen of Heaven is called the Defender of the Christian race. Through the Mother of God, all of humankind has been renewed. She is the Queen of all angels and saints, the Mother of all the peoples on earth and every suffering soul who appeal to Her for help.

Laudation of the Mother of God is the honor we give to Her for Her humble response when God summoned Her. The Virgin Mary modestly answered “Behold, the maidservant of the Lord,” when She heard, “Rejoice O full of grace!” and accepted without murmuring when She was told, “And the sword will pierce through Thine own soul.”

May the prayerful protection of the Most Holy Mother of God prevails over all of us and may the joy of the Archangel’s greeting will always be our guiding star! “Rejoice, O star, as you manifest the Sun.”