21 September 2020 года

The feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God. Divine Liturgy

“Rejoice! Most Pure One, Thy nativity gives joy to the whole world.” These words from the akathist for today’s feast glorify the Most Holy Mother of God.


The birth of Maiden Whom God had chosen marks the beginning of the restoration of all creation left in corruption after Adam and Eve’s fall, and the joy fills the world hearing the news that Jesus Christ the God-man will shine forth from Her to bestow life eternal on everyone.

As the birth of the Virgin has laid the foundation for the salvation of the world, the Holy Hierarch Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, calls to “establish the universal feast and in songs of praise proclaim the thanksgiving to all men and the whole world: it brings universal joy and due gratitude.”

It was so for St. Andrew of Crete as well who compiled the canon of the feast and considered the Nativity of the Mother of God as a great feast. He says in the canon that on this day “the heavens must rejoice and the earth is glad,” “the whole creations exults.”

The true spirit of the service with its beauty, solemnity, awe, and understanding of our unworthiness is made manifest particularly during the Divine Liturgy.

The Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery held two early hour liturgies and a late morning service at the church of the Nativity of the Mother of God, the Trinity and Transfiguration Cathedrals.

Rev. Fr. Vladimir Kargin, the senior priest of the monastery, celebrated the festive liturgy in the Trinity Cathedral. In his sermon before the Communion, Fr. Vladimir congratulated everyone with one of the twelfth feasts of the church and, pointing to the example of gentleness, longsuffering, and complete reliance on God by Righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Most Holy Mother of God, he reminded of the need to carry our crosses in all humility and meekness.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the procession with the cross went along the Holy Kanavka.