27 September 2023 года

Opening of the exhibition of sketches in Diveyevo

The School of Arts and Crafts that was opened at the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery hosted a show of sketches painted by the participants of plein air gathering called “Diveyevo through the eyes of contemporary Russian artists.”

The plein air is held for the second time in Diveyevo on the initiative of the director of the school of artistic crafts Vladimir Yuryevich Tulyakov. From September 20 to 27, 2023, thirteen artists from Nizhny Novgorod, Sarov, Vyksa and Kursk worked at the plein air. They presented about sixty works depicting the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery and its environs at the final exhibition.

Rev. Fr. Alexei Kurnosov, assistant for cultural and educational activities of the dean of the Diveyevo district, cleric of the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery, took part in the exhibition opening. In his address to the artists, he admonished them: “We have to sow. It does not have to be all about God. It should be about what is God’s. If after seeing your works at least one person finds something good and bright in himself, it is already our victory.”

Sergey V. Grebenkov heads the children’s art school № 2 named after A.A. Deineka in Kursk. He noted, “the monastery is a holy, prayer-filled place that affects everyone who comes and receives a little piece of its grace. All the churches, the whole architectural ensemble, the landscape of Diveyevo speak about otherworldly beauty. For an artist, I think, it is useful to see this beaut and experience it and take these impressions with you.”

Vyksa artist and teacher Valentin Krekin drew attention to the well-coordinated work of the participants and friendly atmosphere stating: ” I was inspired here by every bit of this land, every building and the monastery as a whole.”

Vladimir Zanoga thanked the organizers of the plein air for an opportunity to become a partaker of the spirit of his holy place and sang Deacon Nikolai Chervon’s song “We live in a holy land.”