15 February 2021 года

Blessing of Candles

The Meeting of the Lord, as one of the twelve feasts, was established in Byzantium during the reign of righteous Emperor Justinian I in 542 AD. At the same time, a tradition was born to hold mass processions with lights (candles). The origin of the processions has to do with the words by holy Righteous Simeon the God-Receiver: “For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people, a light to lighten the Gentiles.”

The Orthodox Church has since preserved the custom of candle blessing on the feast of the Meeting of the Lord. As the priest says the third prayer of the service, he asks God: “O Lord Jesus Christ, the True Light, enlighten every man that comes into this world: bestow Thy blessing on these candles, and sanctify them with the light of Thy grace: Condescend, O Merciful One, that as these lights kindled with the visible fire drive away the darkness of night, so may our hearts, also lit by the invisible flame, and illumined with the brightness of the Holy Spirit, cast out the darkness of all sins.”

Three Divine Liturgy services were celebrated at the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery today. The early service was held in the Dormition Church, mid-morning service at the Church of All Saints of Russia, and the late-morning liturgy was celebrated at the Trinity Cathedral. The rite of blessing of candles was performed after each service. The candles blessed on this feast and taken home are typically lit at a time of personal prayer.