9 February 2020 года

The Synaxis of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church

February 9 is the day of commemoration of the Synaxis of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church. On this day, the Diveyevo monastery celebrates the patronal feast at one of the altars in the Transfiguration Cathedral. A daily cycle of church services was served there followed by panikhida in memory of all those who suffered for their Christian faith during the years of persecution. 

The saints of Diveyevo are part of the host of new martyrs and saints, including Holy Hieromatryrs Seraphim (Chichagov), Jacob, and Mikhail (Gusev), Venerable Confessors Pelagia, Martha, and Xenia, Venerable Confessor Matrona, as well as martyrs Eudoxia, Daria, Daria, and Maria of Puzo village. Repressions and persecution affected all sisters and clergy of the monastery. Blessed Maria Ivanovna used to say about those times: “Matushka the treasurer and myself (with treasurer nun gone for five years by then) will then call you out to the monastery. And you will be called out by numbers instead of your names.” She even told the sister she was talking to about her number of 338. The sister had received this particular number while at the concentration camp. 

Foreseeing the impending trials, Bishop Seraphim (Zvesdinksy) of Dmitrov, who resided at the Diveyevo monastery at that time, told the sisters: “The monastery is closing down but no one is taking your monastic vows away from you. Now the Cup of Salvation is being given to each of you: will you be able to drink of it worthily? Before, you were together as if one large burning candle and now you are divided into separate tiny candles. Keep them aglow.” 

The place of burial of new martyrs of Diveyevo remains unknown as they were buried in the mass graves. Venerable Confessor Matrona is the only one whose relics are in the monastery.