7 February 2021 года

Classical music concert at the House of Culture in Diveyevo

On February 7, the Diveyevo’s House of Culture held a concert of classical music dedicated to the remembrance day of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Church of Russia.

The event was organized by the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery. The performances by the musicians and performers from Moscow were a gift to the Diveyevo monastery and Venerable Seraphim of Sarov. The concert offered to the glory of God welcomed the spectators free of charge.

Among the participants were Andrey Grigoriev, the soloist of Bolshoy Theatre, the Distinguished Artist of Russia, and the professor of Keimyung University (South Korea), performers and laureates of the international competitions Sofia Sakhnova and Antonina Luzko, Irina Shabalova, the student at the Russian Gnesinykh Academy of Music and the laureate of the international competitions, and Olga Kusnetsova, a young performer. They presented the works by Russian and foreign composers.