митрополит Тернопольский и Кременецкий Сергий
митрополит Тернопольский и Кременецкий Сергий
митрополит Тернопольский и Кременецкий Сергий.
15 May 2019 года

A visiting archpastor presided over the Divine Liturgy at the monastery

On May 15, the Metropolitan Sergiy of Ternopol and Kremenets (Ukraine) presided over the services of the Akathist to Venerable Seraphim of Sarov and the Divine Liturgy held at the monastery’s Trinity Cathedral.

His Grace arrived to Diveyevo on remembrance day of his patron in holy baptism. Before the monastic tonsure, His Grace had a name of Boris, after the Holy Passion-Bearer Boris slain together with his brother Gleb in 1015. The Passion-Bearers Boris and Gleb became the first Russian saints canonized among the host of martyrs and Passion Bearers. These two saints have been known as the heavenly intercessors of the Russian lands and Russian ruling families.

In his sermon at the end of the Liturgy, Metropolitan Sergiy remarked that we are still going through the Paschal season and Pascha is a life-transforming event. “I wish to hope that this Light that had shone on our souls never fades and keeps on shining brightly and evenly anywhere we go in our lives. Our experience of Pascha should always remain within us. The life-changing experience transforms a man. May the Lord’s mercy and Paschal joy stay with us forever and let us share this joy with our neighbor.”